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Liquid Calcium Tooth Gel
Efficiently removes dental plaque, prevents the appearance and development of tooth decay.
Code: 60140     Weight: 120 g
not available
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Natural Bamboo Salt Tooth Gel
Helps strengthen dental enamel, relieve gingival inflammation and strengthen local immunity.
Code: 60141     Weight: 120 g
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Natural Veil Crystal Body Deodorant
The volcanic rock mineral alunite, which eliminates body odour and does not clog the pores, makes up 100 % of the composition. It leaves no traces on the clothes. Odourless. Hypoallergenic. Suitable for both men and women.
Code: 30101     Weight: 60 g
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Natural Oceanic Pearl Toothpaste
Removes dental plaque. Prevents the formation of dental calculus. Makes your breath fresh.
Code: 60142     Weight: 120 g
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Lip Soothing Balm
Tender and silky, soft and moisturized... Lips that are used to the TianDe Fucoidan Balm are so inviting to kiss them!
Code: 85607     Weight: 10 g
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Tooth Brush „ProDental“
Gently cleanses both teeth and gums, on which up to 90% of all oral bacteria accumulate.
Code: 980148/02     Amount: 1 pc
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Extra White PRO Tooth Paste
The toothpaste can tackle even the hardest pigmented dental plaque, the main cause of the accumulation of bacteria and formation of dental plaque.
Code: 60146     Weight: 60 g
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ProDental Junior Gel Tooth Paste
Prodental Junior Toothpaste has been designed specially for children. It contains a children’s dosage of active ingredients. The formulation takes into account the peculiar characteristics of children’s oral cavity.
Code: 60147     Weight: 50 g
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Bamboo Cotton Buds
So a healthy environment and high quality are not just words to you? The corporation evaluates the eco-friendliness of its products to the last detail, even in its production of cotton swabs.
Code: 980168     Amount: 100 pcs
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ProDental Tooth Paste
Removes plaque, activates metabolic processes in the paradontium and helps reduce inflammatory processes in gingival tissue.
Code: 60143     Weight: 120 g
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Volupta+ For Women
The amino acid L-arginine is the base active ingredient of the gel. Volupta+ from TianDe is the first product to contain such a high concentration of this active ingredient.
Code: 65301     2 pcs x 5 g
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“ProDental Junior” toothbrush for children
The unique bristles of the toothbrush allow for gentle cleansing of the sensitive enamel of baby teeth, as well as gums, on which up to 90% of all oral bacteria accumulate.
Code: 90153/01     Amount: 1 pc
not available
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Skin make-up products:
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BROWSING BB Face Foundation
€16.81 €13.45
BROWSING Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream

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